Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Benefits Of The Alexander techniques In The Performing Art

The Alexander technique is taught in the Rada, the Royal College of Music, and similar institutions throughout the world. Artists have helped the performance of all disciplines dealing with a wide range of problems including:

* Headache physical pain, including back pain and repetitive strain injury
* Injuries
* Breathing problems
* Fatigue, poor concentration


The development of this method in the 1890s by Frederick Matthias Alexander, an Australian actor who was looking for a solution to his problem private. And specialized in the provision of public readings, but kept losing his voice in the implementation. The doctors were unable to find the cause or treatment proposal. Using mirrors, and studied more closely and noticed the same there was tension is balanced in all parts of his body when he was talking about. He worked out ways to correct this tension, and his voice returned to normal. It was what started out as a self-help group soon attracted the attention of a wider and endorsed by the Alexander technique leading by several doctors and scientists. And spent the rest of his life to teaching others.

The idea behind the Alexander technique is very simple: most people use their bodies do not automatically notice bad habits creeping positive. For example, the player of copper concentrate to give the performance is flawless and you will realize that there was no undue pressure on his neck by tilting the head, or that do not have the weight balanced evenly on both feet. He said he knew that his recurring back pain affecting the play, but may not be aware that this is the way he holds his instrument, which cause pain.

If correct bad habits, it will disappear symptoms they cause. Unfortunately, for someone to say 'sit up straight or walk like this' rarely helps. The body is an adaptive position and the very poor can feel comfortable while correct the situation seems awkward and difficult to achieve.

Alexander technique is not the order of treatment or exercise. Its goal is to teach individuals to understand exactly how they use the body, and the recognition of stress can be harmful and consciously release it. A qualified teacher of Alexander Technique and guides students gradually rediscover their own natural position, and to explore ways to move enhances performance while using a minimum of effort and reduce the risk of causing damage.

All singers, actors, dancers, musicians, artists and other performance can benefit one way or another by learning Alexander technique in any stage of their careers. If you want to know more, look for someone who is a member of the Association of Teachers of Alexander technique and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

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