Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Goddesses Samba Dance In Brazil

Samba is the style of dance vitality, which originated from Brazil in the 19 century late. In fact it involves a series of dances and dance, instead of one, so can not be comparable with the original dance Brazilian Samba dance style. Samba has been developed from the modern Brazilian music in the early so-called "Choro". Samba Room the ball was developed in 1956, since when, has developed various forms of Samba. The important thing is that about Samba, is the meaning of dance in triple time, three steps are carried out in two beats.

Samba dancing may sound just fun, especially for foreigners. But in Brazil, and to take this activity seriously by amateur and professional dancers, as we shall see below. Samba dancing in the carnival of Brazil is part of our culture and national identity in one way or another. Just like jazz in New Orleans, Tango in Argentina, and Salsa in the Caribbean, and taught dance Samba since the very early stages of the life of Brazilians. In the form of a natural, every woman, (and some men too), and learn how to dance Samba to some extent, but it is clear that professionals. In this article, we will explain how the samba schools such as Mangueira Unidos Da Tijuca, clubs, and other institutions associated with the carnival in Brazil to conduct competitions to discover and choose the best samba competitions in Brazil.

Samba ABN:

It is a solo dance, which involves the body, respectively, with bent knee and only one at a time. Rhythm is 2 / 4, with one, two, and return to one. Men danced with the whole foot on the ground, while women wear heels, and dance on the footballs.

Samba de Gafieira:

This is a form of Samba to be a combination of waltz and tango. And steps are on the pace fast, fast is slow. This style of samba is in the dance academies in all parts of the world.

Samba Pagode:

I mean in the original temple ceremony with lots of music, food and dance, and so on, originated this style of Samba in the 1980s.

Samba Axe:

A very active style of dance Samba, which is usually as a dance solo. This is based on the style of the samba on the dance movements appropriate.

Samba Reggae:

The second most popular style samba dance in Brazil, and mix with the beats of drums and reggae.

Samba Rock:

A type of dance club night, with a variety mix of other methods Samba.

Samba de Roda:

It is a traditional Brazilian dance, accompanied by singing and clapping.

Basic dance steps and timing:

There are several movements in the Samba, but the two movements are the key - a key forward in the movement, the movement's core behind.

Combining these two basic steps, and take six steps from the first step, a basic step forward. If a man will move forward with his left leg, then her right foot move back and vice versa. In the transfer of a key forward, the man the implementation of the Forward Basic Movement, followed by a backward movement, and women will do the opposite. Let's make ourselves understand about these basic steps.

The return of the basic movement:

Right place. Step back a little, in the first win for the music. Right first toe of the slide, and return the foot and weight change on the right leg, do not move the left leg.

The left, tap. Up and down. Move back the left foot, tapping the ball into the foot, up and down with the proposals.

Forward Basic Movement:

This is the same pattern as above with the exception of the change that is, the left side to begin with, and repeat the pattern above.

Spot traffic is back:

This is similar to the movements with the exception of the basic, forward or backward, the tap is happening behind the foot that moves on the first beat.

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